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#1. They had planned to spend the summer in Spain, but (…) had obviously decided otherwise.

1) destination; 2) fortunate; 3) chance; 4) fate; 5) happening.

#2. My music teacher suggested (…) for an hour before breakfast.

1) practising; 2) to practise; 3) having practised; 4) to practising; 5) for practising.

#3. My friends (…)the advantages and disadvantages of moving to London and finally decided against it.

1) asked themselves; 2) meditated; 3) weighed up; 4) thought; 5) suited.

#4. It is common knowledge that the British quality papers are different (…) the popular press in news coverage and design.

1) about; 2) for; 3) in: 4) from; 5) with.

#5. She’s (…) of reducing a whole roomful of people to stunned silence.

1) talented; 2) likely; 3) capable; 4) able; 5) gifted.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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