
Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1)to be stood; 2) was stood; 3) stood aside; 4) stand; 5) stands for; 6) to stand aside; 7) stand with; 8 ) are standing; 9) having stood out; 10) won’t stand out; 11) standing out; 12) had stood; 13) won’t stand; 14) standing with; 15) would stand

#1. He wants to tell her how things (…) him.

#2.I (…) for any more of her rudeness, I shall ask her to leave my house.

#3. The children were all in the middle of the room except one boy (…).

#4. She (…) to let them pass and saw a white face.

#5. He fingered among the music albums on the shelf (…) his back to the audience.

29.05.2009 Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin

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