
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) down; 2) from; 3) а; 4) in; 5) off; 6) an; 7) at; 8 ) 0; 9) the; 10) to; 11) like; 12) in front of; 13) up; 14) for; 15) up to.

#1. The train began to slow (…) as it approached the station platform.

#2. He is interested (…) joining this company and wonders if they have a suitable position (…) him.

#3. You owe it to yourself to choose work which is best suited (…) your abilities.

#4. They are so much alike that only their mother has no difficulty in distinguishing one twin (…) another.

#5. I asked them not to park (…) my garage, but they just laughed (…) my face.

29.05.2009 Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin

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