
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. You’ll get into trouble if you don’t look out. (…)

1) are not attentive; 2) are not scared; 3) are not careful; 4) are not praised; 5) are not interested.

#2. Most governments seem to just put off dealing with environmental problems. (…)

1) make up for; 2) take over; 3) do without; 4) postpone; 5) take after.

#3. Harry didn’t answer at once. He was not much of a talker. (…)

1) fond of talking; 2) keen on talking; 3) not a very good speaker;

4) talking all the time; 5) talkative.

#4. My sister is very capable; she knows two languages, plays the piano and she is good at painting at that. (…)

1) moreover; 2) beside; 3) however; 4) in addition; 5) on the whole.

#5. Before Andrew left the house he wrote a short note to Christine, taking pains to be tactful, wise and careful. (…)

1) feeling pain; 2) being ill; 3) trying hard; 4) wasting time; 5) being in a hurry. .

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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