
Знайдіть усі можливі помилки у підкреслених фрагментах речень і запишіть цифри у порядку зростання. Цифра (5) означає, що помилок немає.

#1. (……) In 1895 Alfred Nobel created a fund to be used (1) to (2) awarding prizes to people who made (3) a worthwhile contribution to (4) mankind. No error (5).

#2. (……)Mars had thought (l) of (2) as the planet with the man-made canals, supposedly (3) discovered by a Italian astronomer (4), Schiaparelli, in 1877. No error (5V

#3. (……) A recent (1) investigation by scientists at U.S. Geological Survey shows (2) that strange animal behaviour (3) might have to helped (4) predict future earthquakes. No error (5).

#4. (……) Dave said (l) that he would borrow (2) me his new walkman if I wanted (3) to use it at my lesson (4). No error (5).

#5. (……) Would (1) you be kind (2) enough to closing (3) the door, please (4)? No error (5).

28.05.2009 Розділ 06 Комментарии отключены admin

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