
Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) having taken; 2) hadn’t taken; 3) has taken; 4) should take off 5) is being taken; 6) should take on; 7) to be taken for; 8 ) taking off; 9) taking; 10) be taken for; 11) will be taken; 12) took; 13) have been taken; 14) to take off; 15) would take out

#1.1 suggested that she (…) her coat and move to the fire.

#2,1 watched the plane (…) from a small landing strip.

#3. He was afraid that he might (…) a stranger.

#4.1 (…) a deck chair, sit under one of the apple trees and read.

#5. If Mr. Green (…) me out of the office, I should be there now getting two pounds a week.

29.05.2009 Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) on calling; 2) will be called; 3) calling out for; 4) called in; 5) would call; 6) calling at; 7) be called in; 8 ) would call for; 9) being culled; 10) calls; 11) was called; 12) have called off; 13) have called at; 14) to call; 15) has been called for

#1. He told me he (…) the parcel in the morning.

#2.1 heard him (…) help.

#3. So the police had to be (…).

#4. The actor had (…) all his skill to defeat his opponent:

#5. You shouldn’t (…)the office a second time. The chief was not in the mood of receiving you.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1)will be cut off; 2) cutting in; 3) am cutting; 4) was cut off; 5) in cutting; 6) having cut; 7) will be cut away; 8 ) cutting out; 9) to make a cut; 10) would be cut; 11) to cut in; 12) cut; 13) being cut; 14) to be cut; 15) had cut

# 1. Stop (…) with your remarks.

#2.I(…) in the middle of my call because I had no more pennies to put і І the box.

#3. They had (…) in pay.

#4. (…) the poor dog free quickly, his neck is caught in the rope.

#5. The electricity supply (…) if we don’t pay our bill.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1)to give up; 2) give; 3) to give; 4) to have given in; 5) to be given; 6) were given; 7) giving; 8 ) was given; 9) had been given; 10) having given away; 11) is giving; 12) had given; 13) gives; 14) given; 15) has given , .

#1. The doctor told Jim (…) sweets to lose weight.

#2. He pictured the people who (…) up lives in the war.

#3. (…) my love to Frank and Julia.

#4. Allow me (…) you a word of advice.

#5. The long cruel winter at last came to an end, (…) place to a gentle warm spring.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

I) am held; 2) shall hold up; 3) being held; 4) was held; 5) to be held; 6) hold on; 7) holds; 8 ) were held up; 9) be held; 10) to hold back; I1) having held; 12) held; 13) to hold up; 14) to have held; 15) holding

# 1. We (…) for half an hour in a traffic jam.

#2. Would it be easy for a child (…) his tears if he got sore about something?

#3. They walked (…) hands like children.

#4. The reception (…) at Charlie’s home.

#5. Yes, Mr. Jones is in. If you can (…) a moment I’ll get him for you.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) was given; 2) has been given; 3) is giving; 4) were given over; 5) be given in; 6) given; 7) gave over; 8 ) to be given in; 9) give away; 10) to have been given in; 11) have given; 12) gives up; 13) having given; 14) giving; 15) to give

# 1. Don’t (…) the ending of the story, it’ll spoil it.

#2. Names of all students entering for the examination must (…) by March I.

#3. This milkmust be bad, it (…) off anasty smell.

#4. The director has threatened (…) his resignation in to the Board.

#5. The keys (…) to the new owner of the house.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) having kept; 2) keeping; 3) won’t keep; 4) has kept; 5) keeps at; 6) to be kept back; 7) for keeping ; 8 ) being kept; 9) to keep to; 10) of keeping; 11) were kept in; 12) keep back; 13) keep away; 14) has been kept; 15) to keep

#1″(…) from the fire», the mother kept saying to her little son.

#2. Don’t worry,I(…) you long. You won’t be late for classes.

#3. They (…) by the heavy rain.

#4. It was difficult (…) the point.

#5.1 could not (…) a smile and it gave me right away.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) having passed on; 2) passed through; 3) pass; 4) are passing through; 5) being passed; 6) passing over; 7) are passing off; 8 ) to pass on: 9) of passing; 10) were passed; 11) pass on; 12) pass for; 13) have passed into; 14) to pass through; 15) passing

#1. Is it wise (…) to a new rule without learning the previous one properly?

#2. He can easily (…) a man of forty as he is full of energy.

#3. We have just passed the village and now (…) the canal.

#4. The deeds of these few brave men (…) history, we know their names

#5.I watched several planes (…) our house.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) carries on; 2) of carrying on; 3) was carrying; 4) is carrying out; 5) of being carried; 6) having been carried on; 7) to carry; 8 ) have carried; 9) was carried to; 10) upon carrying; 11) be carried out; 12) had carried to; 13) is being carried; 14) to be carried on; 15) will carry

#1. He is capable (…) with his medical work.

#2. In the afternoon he (…) the field hospital.

#3. The task can (…) in less than a minute.

#4. It is captain Nicholas who (…) the conversation.

#5. When I met Ann she (…) little Jane in her arms.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) turned red; 2) should turn; 3) has been turned into; 4) is turning; 5) should turn into; 6) to turn over; 7) turned;  8 ) to be turned; 9) turn; 10) being turned; 11) will be turned; 12) will turn; 13) turning red; 14) turns out; 15) turns on;

#1. John suggested that Bill (. ..) a side street.

#2. If the business (…) to be a success it will attract many people.

#3. The whole villa (…) an armed camp quite recently .

#4. About an hour had passed when he heard the key slowly (…) by someone.

#5. (…) he rested his chin on his hands.

Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin

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