
Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) was given; 2) has been given; 3) is giving; 4) were given over; 5) be given in; 6) given; 7) gave over; 8 ) to be given in; 9) give away; 10) to have been given in; 11) have given; 12) gives up; 13) having given; 14) giving; 15) to give

# 1. Don’t (…) the ending of the story, it’ll spoil it.

#2. Names of all students entering for the examination must (…) by March I.

#3. This milkmust be bad, it (…) off anasty smell.

#4. The director has threatened (…) his resignation in to the Board.

#5. The keys (…) to the new owner of the house.

29.05.2009 Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin

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