
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) of; 2) а; 3) an; 4) 0; 5) about; 6) at; 7) after; 8 ) the; 9) round; 10) to; 11) before; 12) above; 13) because of; 14) within; 15) for.

#1.1 consider we should go over our plan again before we tell everything (…) the managing director.

#2. At his last trial nobody believed in Arthur’s innocence and he was accused (…) the theft of a valuable museum picture.

#3. It’s interesting to mention but all four children take (…) their father and have a very sociable disposition.

#4. Do you know that yesterday all flights in and out of the airport came (…) a standstill (…) the strike?

#5. Some time ago I visited my friend whose son had just had his fifth birthday. It was a rather special birthday (…) him since as soon as (…) English child reaches the age of five he must start attending (…) school.

29.05.2009 Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) for; 2) а; 3) an; 4) the; 5) with; 6) over; 7) onto; 8 ) till; 9) 0; 10) up; 11) through; 12) from; 13) of; 14) in front of; 15) out.

#1. The teachers’ association wanted to introduce (…) new kind (…) test.

#2. When we demanded an explanation (…) his bad behaviour, he said something below his breath and left (…) room.

#3. One of the boxers punched the other on the chin and knocked him (…)

#4. The car ride (…) the Heathrow Airport to London was very tiring as we had to drive (…) an extremely thick fog.

#5. I’d prefer it if you didn’t smoke (…) the children.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1)with; 2) an; 3) for; 4) the; 5) against; 6) a; 7) about; 8 ) of; 9)0; 10) till; 11) at; 12) by; 13) off; 14) out; 15) up.

#1. Our firm lawyers are going to draw up (…) new contract (…) next week.

#2.1 couldn’t understand why they were all laughing (…) me.

#3. Norma took two pills of aspirin to get rid (…) her terrible headache.

#4. Much stricter precautions must be taken in all airports (…) hijacking.

#5. The middle part of (…) bridge is supported (…) two huge towers.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) about; 2) а; 3) behind; 4) the; 5) for; 6) on; 7) an; 8 ) 0; 9) with 10) after; 11) round; 12) at; 13) below; 14) up; 15) during.

#1. Sheila didn’t get on (…) her boss, so she had to leave the company, to be (…) the safe side.

#2. Something must have made Jim really angry, he’s like a bear (…) a sore head all day.

#3. The important thing is to believe that all the problems can be solved and not to give (…) hope.

#4. Animals should not be locked in cages,’they should be in their normal environment and not (…) bars.

#5. There isn’t much (…) local support (…) the new candidate.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1)with; 2) 0; 3) an; 4) the; 5) in; 6) by; 7) a; 8 ) at; 9) up; 10) on; 11) over; 12) along; 13) off; 14) from; 15) out of.

#1.(…) many workers sympathized (…) the striking miners.

#2. The inspector said he was sure that (…) least one of the guests in the hotel was (…) witness to the crime.

#3. Judging by her looks Nelly is suffering (…) an incurable disease.

#4. The commanders agreed (…) a cease-fire for a period of five hours to allow the removal of the wounded.

#5. His tastes (…) films and books were very different (…) her own.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) in; 2) by; 3) an; 4) the; 5) across; 6) at; 7) a; 8 ) 0; 9) of; 10) to; 11) up; 12) with; 13) like; 14) from; 15) on.

#1. Recently I have decided to take (…) photography as a hobby.

#2. The announcer says that the sports programme will be (…) after the news (…) ten minutes’ time.

#3. Parker was driving (…) full speed when he hit the wall.

#4. The army major was found guilty (…) serious misconduct and was accordingly sent (…) trial.

#5. She noticed (…) surprise the change (…) his appearance.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) а; 2) out of; 3) the; 4) in; 5) by; 6) an; 7) across; 8 ) 0; 9) from; 10) about; 11) on; 12) off; 13) beside; 14) of; 15) at.

#1. Graham is very fond of tennis. Besides, he plays tennis as a way (…) earning his living.

#2. The literary critics unanimously found Joe’s kind of writing rather dull and (…) date.

#3. I thought Janet to be well (…) but in reality she says she is very hard up (…) the moment.

#4. Cotton cloth has been found among the ruins left (…) some early American Indians.

#5. When George got back to (…) hotel he took a newspaper and read (…) his leisure (…) exciting story (…) page four.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) а; 2) an; 3) 0; 4) the; 5) with; 6) under; 7) in; 8 ) after; 9) for; 10) up to; 11) below; 12) to; 13) before; 14) at; 15) out of.

#1. Of course, if you are interested in watching sports on television you may get used (…) sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous.

#2. All we can do is hope (…) the best and wait.

#3. If we forget to do our homework our teacher usually gets cross (…) us.

#4. Linen could not be manufactured by machine until recently because the fibers break easily (…) tension.

#5. He took (…) absolutely crumpled telegram form (…) his pocket and flattened it out on his knee with great care and studied it. He read (…) telegram over again.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1)ап; 2) 0; 3) with; 4) as; 5) up to; 6) a; 7) after; 8 ) the; 9) down; 10) about; 11) round; 12) along; 13) before; 14) from; 15) over.

#1.1 know it’s stupid to cry (…) something so unimportant.

#2. The fields were flooded (…) the heavy rainfall when the rivers burst their banks.

#3. Harry was not very keen on loud music, so he asked his colleagues if they could turn it (…) a bit.

#4. Crime violates the laws of a community, person or nation. It is punishable in accordance (…) these laws.

#5. We talked (…) books in our life. Charles had just finished reading (…) last volume of Shakespeare. We had (…) lively discussion on the author.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin


Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) forward; 2) an; 3) the; 4) on; 5) across; 6) a; 7) by; 8 ) 0; 9) to; 10) from; 11) along; 12) with; 13) of; 14) towards; 15) for.

#1. Peter may disagree (…) this,but I don’t really care.

#2. Teresa never gets angry (…) the children for she is very patient.

#3. Don’t worry, darling! Cheer up! Try laughing (…) a change.

#4. (…) other driver kept trying to put the blame (…) me.

#5. And then Andrew put (…) an amazing suggestion that she should turn down (…) offer she received that day and go back to London (…) train.

Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin

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