
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) а; 2) out of; 3) the; 4) in; 5) by; 6) an; 7) across; 8 ) 0; 9) from; 10) about; 11) on; 12) off; 13) beside; 14) of; 15) at.

#1. Graham is very fond of tennis. Besides, he plays tennis as a way (…) earning his living.

#2. The literary critics unanimously found Joe’s kind of writing rather dull and (…) date.

#3. I thought Janet to be well (…) but in reality she says she is very hard up (…) the moment.

#4. Cotton cloth has been found among the ruins left (…) some early American Indians.

#5. When George got back to (…) hotel he took a newspaper and read (…) his leisure (…) exciting story (…) page four.

29.05.2009 Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin

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