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#1.I could have been one of the (…) of the game of golf.

1) villains; 2) monsters; 3) hills; 4) mountains; 5) giants.

#2. The trousers you bought for me don’t (…) me.

1) match; 2) become; 3) fit; 4) go with; 5) fit in.

#3. It’s no good (…) him of giving the wrong answer.

1) accusing; 2) blaming; 3) criticising; 4) scolding; 5) judging.

#4.I (…) stay in tonight than go to the party.

1) would rather; 2) would; 3) sooner; 4) prefer; 5) would prefer.

#5 You met your friends at the airport on their arrival in your city, so you say: «(…).»

l)Be welcome to …; 2) Welcome to …; 3) Welcome in …; 4) Welcome at…; 5) Be welcomed by …

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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