
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) the; 2) from; 3) а; 4) 0; 5) about; 6) of; 7) off; 8 ) an; 9) in; 10) out; 11) as; 12) without; 13) between; 14) with; 15) after.

#1. Last night I left my bedroom window open, and a burglar got (…).

#2. As he was familiar (…) Japanese culture, he wrote an article on it.

#3.I haven’t heard (…) Sarah yet. I hope she will write soon.

#4. They have decided to put (…) the whole matter until January.

#5. Last year Dave started to attend (…) optional training course but dropped out after (…) few weeks. (…) the end he had to take it up again at (…) Oxford.

28.05.2009 Розділ 05 Комментарии отключены admin

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