
Виберіть правильну відповідь.

#1. (…) of speech is a fundamental right in a democratic country.

1) independence; 2) liberation; 3) freedom; 4) liberty; 5) dependence.

#2. All the seats in the theatre were (…) weeks before the first performance.

1) engaged; 2) occupied; 3) taken; 4) sold out; 5) busy.

#3. The human memory is an incredibly powerful tool, but (…) of us make the most of it.

1) little; 2) few; 3) less; 4) most; 5) fewer.

#4. Mum’s so good to us; she’s an absolute (…).

1) angel; 2) nurse; 3) trouble-maker; 4) wreck; 5) monster.

#5. My sister Nancy emptied the (…) of her lovely purse onto the table and started counting everything.

1) money; 2) valuables; 3) items; 4) contents; 5) moneys.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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