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#1. Please accept my (…) for not coming to the meeting yesterday.

1) apologies; 2) accusations; 3) forgiveness; 4) pardon; 5) sorrows.

#2. Passengers (…) on a flight from Washington to London were in for a very long wait.

1) taking; 2) travelling; 3) expecting; 4) wanting; 5) walking.

#3. It’s a very (…) literary encyclopedia.lt covers all aspects of the subject.

1) understanding; 2) comprehensive; 3) sensible; 4) sensitive; 5) comprehension.

#4. This boy is becoming a real (…) for his parents.

1) backache; 2) headache; 3) toothache; 4) stomach-ache; 5) tummy ache.

#5. Can you imagine (…) in some fifty years from now?

1) what will be life; 2)what life be; 3) what will be life like; 4) what life will be like; 5) what like will be life.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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