
Виберіть правильну відповідь.

#1. Of course, an encyclopedia is not a book you (…), You just dip into it for things that interest you.

l)look up; 2) refer to; 3)read from cover to cover; 4) skip at once; 5) skim.

#2. The curtains were bright red when we bought them, but they’ve become (…) in the strong sunlight.

I) torn; 2) stained; 3) faded; 4) soiled; 5) shabby.

#3. Donald has been rather (…) since his wife died two years ago.

1) alone; 2) lone; 3) lonely; 4) single; 5) loneliness.

#4. You are (…) no obligation whatsoever to give your answer immediately.

1) in; 2) on; 3) under; 4) with; 5) without.

#5. (…) the band is becoming more and more popular with music lovers the world over.

1) Dramatically; 2) Slowly but surely; 3) Abruptly; 4) Radically; 5) Completely.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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