
Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.

1) is looking for; 2) has looked for; 3) has been looked for; 4) was looked for; 5) look through; 6) looked up; 7) on looking for; 8 ) look; 9) looks through; 10) look at; 11) to look; 12) looking out; 13) should look for; 14) should have looked for; 15) to be looked over

#1. Where is Jane? — She (…) her dog.

#2. This novel (…)with eagerness by many readers ever since it was published.

#3.1 wish you (…) the telephone number in the book and rang her up.

#4. (…) your examination paper for any small mistakes, before you hand it in.

#5. The government sends officials (,..)over each factory, to see that it is keeping the safety measures.

29.05.2009 Розділ 03 Комментарии отключены admin

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