Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова.
1)was being translated; 2) had translated; 3) translates; 4) has translated; 5) translate; 6) translated into; 7) to be translated into; 8 ) is translated; 9) having translated into; 10) to be translated on; 11) was translated; 12) in translating; 13) translated in; 14) being translated; 15) translating
#1.I have read this book (…) Ukrainian.
#2. This article was too difficult (…) a foreign language without a dictionary.
#3. (…) a hurry the article contained many mistakes.
#4. Had he a dictionary, he could (…) the article better.
#5.1 don’t mind (…) the article without you.
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