Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.
1)ап; 2) at; 3) the; 4) 0; 5) until; 6) а; 7) with; 8 ) on; 9) in; 10) to; II) down; 12) by; 13) behind; 14) into; 15) up.
#1. Victoria looked (…) the fastest train to Edinburgh (…) the time table.
#2. After his first day at work, Edward was very disappointed (…) his new job.
#3. The police kept a thorough watch (…) the house at the street corner day and night.
#4. He has always been very good (…) me.
#5. Mr Haynes is busy (…) a customer (…) the moment.
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