
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) around; 2) а; 3) the; 4) from; 5) at; 6)tо; 7) an; 8 ) 0; 9) for; 10) оf 11) as; 12) like; 13) under; 14) with; 15) before.

#1. What you have just said is quite (…) the point. I approve (…) it.

#2. This holiday will do you a world of good; too much work is,bad (…) you

#3. Roy has a good supply of records and tapes as he can get them (…) a big recording company at a cheaper price.

#4. The director keeps all his office workers (…) a distance and does not encourage anyone to be friendly.

#5. The football game had been cancelled due (…) rain.

29.05.2009 Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin

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