Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.
1)ап; 2) of; 3) with; 4) out of; 5) to; 6) a; 7) the; 8 ) 0; 9) above; 10) without; 11) for; 12) as; 13) out; 14) along; 15) about.
#1. The management has refused to agree (…) our demand (…) a 5% pay rise.
#2. Look here, Jack, how (…) playing tennis tomorrow instead (…) staying indoors?
#3. I’m afraid, your cousin has met (…) a slight accident, but he isn’t seriously hurt.
#4. We are always running (…) matches in our house.
#5. It’s (…) first time she has ever been (…) the club
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