
Виберіть правильну відповідь.

#1. Believe me, there really is no (…) for this kind of aggressive and unwise reaction.

1) obligation; 2) need; 3) demand; 4) request; 5) requirement.

#2. It’s no use (…) me of giving the wrong answer!

1) accusing; 2) blaming; 3) criticising; 4) scolding; 5) explaining.

#3. How many (…) is he studying at school?

1) objects; 2) objectives; 3) subjects; 4) cases; 5) classes.

#4. (…) running, grizzly bears are capable of attaining speeds of 35 miles an hour.

1) So that; 2) Though; 3) When; 4) So; 5) With.

#5. When Donald looked at the exam paper he couldn’t remember a thing. His mind was a complete (…).

1) vacancy; 2) blank; 3) confused; 4) bare; 5) empty.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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