
Заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником або артиклем.

1) in; 2) а; 3) until; 4) the; 5) an; 6) around; 7) between; 8 ) up; 9) 0; 10) by; 11) with; 12) like; 13) about; 14) out; 15) without.

#1. The child was brought (…) in a good home environment.

#2. You should necessarily acquaint yourself (…) the facts and figures before making (…) decision.

#3. We all expect you to carry (…) your duties and obligations (…) complaints.

#4. The Queen decorated the young soldier for courage displayed (…) the face of the enemy.

#5. While (…) preparing a meal for her guests Mrs. Black got rather worried ibout some unusual mushrooms which a kind friend of hers sent her from (…) country.

29.05.2009 Розділ 02 Комментарии отключены admin

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