
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. From his early days Erik’s intention was to be a football hero. (…)

1) punishment; 2) team-mate; 3) desire; 4) reason; 5) cause.

#2. It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the original and this copy. (…)

1) see the similarity; 2) notice resemblance; 3) discriminate; 4) comment on; 5) announce the common features.

#3. Although he is the youngest competitor, he seems to be holding his own. (…)

1) succeed in the competition; 2) remain on his own; 3) fight by himself; 4) be holding up his head; 5) keep fighting.

#4. Have you made it up with your sister yet? (…)

1) understood; 2) finished with; 3) done something good for; 4) become friendly with; 5) quarrelled with.

#5. Optimists have a tendency to look at everything through rose coloured spectacles. (…)

1) wear glasses; 2) keep smiling; 3) see red; 4) see spectacles; 5) see life cheerfully.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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