Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.
#1. Success in life generally calls for hard work and serious attitude. (…)
1) breaks; 2) tells; 3) promises; 4) demands; 5) rings.
#2. Unexpectedly Betty gave Harry a direct response to his question. (…)
1) repetition; 2) compliment; 3) answer; 4) plan; 5) accord.
#3. Ann seldom cared for the company of others, (…)
1) never; 2) rarely; 3) repeatedly; 4) often; 5) once.
#4.I gave up trying to persuade him to get a degree. (…)
1) gave in; 2) kept on; 3) stopped; 4) succeeded in; 5) didn’t like.
#5. His father didn’t approve of his decision to marry (…)
1) stuck to; 2) favoured with; 3) was not in favour of; 4) gave away; 5) appeared satisfied with.
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