
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. It is generally assumed that urgent discussions will continue behind the scenes to bring about the two sides together. (…)

1) eternally; 2) in close up; 3) at a distance; 4) in sight; 5) secretly.

#2. When George went away abroad for a long time I really missed him. (…)

1) found him missing; 2) felt sadly without him; 3) was unlucky; 4) was sorry for him; 5) felt sad without him.

#3. Ann has a nanny to look after her children while she is at work (…)

1) watch out; 2) look for; 3) take care of; 4) bring up; 5) attend to.

#4. We have to be careful with money, so we keep a record of everything we spend. (…)

l)tell earnestly; 2) write down all expenses; 3) waste time and money; 4) buy a lot; 5) take care.

#5. These students specialize in criminal law (…)

1) attend classes; 2) go in for; 3) are fond of; 4) take up; 5) major in.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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