
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. То my mind, he is a rather boring speaker, isn’t he?. (…)

1) pleasant; 2) uninterested; 3) dull; 4) skilful; 5) experienced.

#2. Have you made up your mind what you’re going to do in future?. (…)

1) changed your idea; 2) approved some decision; 3) made up a scheme; 4) taken a decision; 5) become fond of.

#3. I need a bit of help with the thing. Could you possibly lend me a hand?.

1) take me for a ride; 2) think better of it; 3) see through it; 4) walk out on me; 5) help me.

#4. Mr Bones … Oh, sorry, Mr Jones. What a silly slip of the tongue! (…)

1) surname; 2) idea; 3) native tongue; 4) unintentional verbal mistake; 5) a swear word.

#5. Mr. Lawrence appeared slightly taken aback for he wasn’t used to being treated in such a way. (…)

1) unprepared; 2) surprised; 3) depressed; 4) worried; 5) taken back to.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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