
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. The teacher pointed out all his mistakes to John. (…)

1) showed all his mistakes; 2) corrected all his mistakes; 3) read all his mistakes; 4) directed attention to all his mistakes; 5) explained all his mistakes.

#2. Please, hand in your papers at the end of the exam. (…)

1) collect; 2) distribute; 3) turn in; 4) sign; 5) leave.

#3. Hold on a minute, I’ll see if Mr. Brown is in his office. (…)

1) wait; 2) keep; 3) stop; 4) expect; 5) keep on.

#4. My brother will call at the travel agency to collect our tickets on his way home. (…)

1) consult seriously; 2) visit briefly; 3) give a ring; 4) ask for a return; 5) cancel.

#5. Ann was determined to get everything her way and was calmly certain she would get it. (…)

1) get out of the way; 2) stand in the way; 3) do as she wished; 4) throw caution to the wind; 5) go too far away.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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