
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. Jane studied her reflection in the mirror with amazement. (…)

1)determination; 2) reputation; 3) image; 4) deficiency; 5) attraction.

#2.One particular superstition shared by many people all over the world is he belief that number 13 is an unlucky number. (…)

1) advised precaution; 2) old fashioned belief; 3) true idea; 4) accepted notion; 5) worked out image.

#3 To tell you the truth, we are not confident of success. (…)

1) aware; 2) conscious; 3) sure; 4) in the know; 5) unaware.

#4. Beatrice thinks it is beneath her dignity to socialise with uneducated people.(…)

1) it below criticism 2) herself inferior; 3) herself superior; 4) it underneath the surface; 5) herself under observation.

#5 Will you do me a favour?. (…)

1) turn a hand at me;T) give me a lift; 3) make a good deal; 4) do a service for me; 5) render support to me.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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