
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. The news was so unexpected that I was taken aback, believe me. (…)

1) frightened; 2) sure; 3) attentive; 4) surprised; 5) lonely.

#2. The man stole the museum pictures while a large crowd watched instead of doing something. (…)

1) looked up; 2) looked out; 3) looked about; 4) looked on; 5) looked down.

#3. The two brothers were so much alike I couldn’t tell the difference between them. (…)

1) distinguish; 2) distinct; 3)to see the similarity; 4) to spot any likeness; 5) proclaim identity.

#4. W.S. Maugham, an outstanding British writer, was brought up by his uncle as both his parents had died. (…)

l)was risen; 2) was raised; 3) was kept; 4) was given attention: 5) was put up.

#5. Failing an exam after so much hard work was a bitter pill to swallow. (…)

1) a necessary medicine; 2) a doubtful piece of advice; 3) a taken measure; 4) a difficult fact to accept; 5) a harmful mixture.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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