
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1. When Nelly lost her watch, her father said: «Never mind. I’ll buy you another one.». (…)

1) Stop talking; 2) Take it easy; 3) How dare you; 4) What troubles you; 5) Mind your own business

#2. Jack joined the newspaper as a budding journalist whose name was not yet known to the public. (…)

1) criticised; 2) subscribed; 3) published; 4) began to work for; 5) picked up.

#3. My friend says it is next to impossible to live in a flat like that. (…)

1) closely possible; 2) nearly possible; 3) almost impossible;

4) near to impossible; 5) close to possible.

#4. This important meeting was held in the Town Hall. (…)

l)took part; 2) had’place; 3)took place; 4) took permission; 5) was placed.

#5. Mr. Priestley loves his youngest daughter dearly, she’s the apple of his eye. (…)

1) she’s talkative; 2) she’s attractive; 3) she’s good-looking; 4) she’s very precious to him; 5) she is fond of apples

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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