
Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.

#1.I wish he wouldn’t poke his nose into our business affairs. (…)

l)be pushing; 2) interfere into; 3) comment on; 4) form an idea about; 5) find out.

#2. The twins were so alike that I couldn’t tell one from the other. (…)

1) describe them; 2) see the difference between them; 3) respect them both; 4) see the similarity; 5) talk to them.

#3. In the capital city he was taken for a foreighner. (…)

1) assumed; 2) mistaken for; 3) liked by; 4) taken after; 5) took place.

#4.The noise of the storm was too loud for him to make out what Mary was saying. (…)

1) see; 2) understand; 3) fix; 4) state; 5) alternate.

#5. Hasn’t it slipped your memory that you’ve got a .very important appointment today? (…)

1) Haven’t you forbidden; 2) Haven’t you forgiven; 3) Haven’t you forgotten; 4) Hasn’t it got clear; 5) Hasn’t it cleared up.

28.05.2009 Розділ 10 Комментарии отключены admin

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