Знайдіть еквівалент підкресленого вислову.
#1. Mr. Brown went on to explain that his younger brother was a man of very peculiar disposition. (…)
1) appearance; 2) likeness; 3) character; 4) inclination; 5) tendency, mood.
#2. John’s plans for the weekend were indefinite because he had not found out yet whether he had to work or not. (…)
1) sensible; 2) unimportant; 3) mysterious; 4) uncertain; 5) doubtless.
#3. Susan couldn’t bring herself to lie to her relatives. (…)
1) educate herself to; 2) stand up to; 3) draw up herself to; 4) make herself; 5) sustain.
#4. Without her glasses my grandmother can hardly make out the words on this page. (…)
1) distinguish; 2) understand; 3) study; 4) research; 5) investigate.
#5. I don’t think it was fair of you to go back on your word at the last moment. We had relied on you. (…)
1) feel jealous of your word; 2) grieve over the said; 3) escape the promise; 4) fail to keep your promise; 5) reveal the secret.
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