
Знайдіть усі можливі помилки у підкреслених фрагментах речень і запишіть цифри у порядку зростання. Цифра (5) означає, що помилок немає.

#1. (……) If Robert Kennedy would have lived (l)a little (2) long (3), he probably would have won the (4) election. No error (5).

#2. (……) Whitman wrote ‘Leaves of Grass’ as a tribute to the Civil War (1) soldiers who had laid (2) on the battlefields and whom (3) he had seen while serving (4) as an army nurse. No error (5).

#3. (……) Despite of (1) many attempts to introduce (2) a universal language, for example Esperanto and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with (3) very a little (4) success. No error (5).

#4. (……) It is necessary that (l)one met (2) one’s lawyer before (3) signing (4) the final papers for a divorce. No error (5).

#5. (……) The bell signalling (l)the end of the first period rang loud (2), mterrupting the closing comment’s (3) of the professor (4). No error (5).

28.05.2009 Розділ 09 Комментарии отключены admin

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