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#1. It is common knowledge that a leopard has spots and a tiger has (…).

1) bands; 2) streaks; 3) stripes; 4) strips; 5) blanks.

#2. Please, (…) your hand if you want to ask a question in class and don’t shout at the top of your voice.

1) arise; 2) lift; 3) raise; 4) rise; 5) arouse.

#3. Is this information (…) and worth publishing? Does it include the most recent changes and figures?

1) modern; 2) up to date; 3) brand new; 4) renewed; 5) renovated.

#4. It is a good idea to be (…) dressed when you are invited to go for a job interview.

1) boldly; 2) clearly; 3) finely; 4) smartly; 5) colourfully.

#5. The peace (…) have broken down again.

1) sights; 2) arms; 3) talks; 4) terms; 5) expenses.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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