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#1. Michael West was appointed to. the (…)of professor of English at Stanford University.

1) job; 2) occupation; 3) trade; 4) line of work; 5) position.

#2. Our English teacher demanded a strict and honest answer (…)for the lesson.

1) were we ready; 2) if were we ready; 3) that we were ready; 4) if we were ready; 5) that were we taught.

#3. The meeting was for the members of the board only and was held behind (…) doors.

1) closing; 2) shutting; 3) revolving; 4) sliding; 5) closed.

#4. There are several reasons why I dislike him so much: firstly, he is rude, secondly, he is a liar, and, (…), he owes me money.

1) third; 2) at last; 3) in the end; 4) at the end; 5) lastly.

#5. Donald was born with a silver (…) in his mouth.

1) teaspoon; 2) fork; 3) spoon; 4) ladle; 5) bowl.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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