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#1. It turned out that we (…) rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.

1) hadn’t; 2) should have; 3) needn’t have; 4) mustn’t; 5) oughtn’t.

#2. My brother’s son is a very (…) child but he has a very sweet nature, so it difficult to be angry with him.

1) able; 2) naughty; 3) eager; 4) obedient; 5) nice.

#3. The document was signed by (…) present.

1) anyone; 2) every people; 3) every person; 4) none; 5) each of.

#4. Never (…) a gift horse into the mouth.

1) feel; 2) catch; 3) hold; 4) run; 5) look.

#5. There wasn’t a (…) of dust anywhere in the hotel room.

1) drop; 2) flash; 3) speck; 3) pinch; 5) wave.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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