
Вставте слово за змістом.

#1. Heavy torrential rains in the mountains caused (…) late last night in the south-west of the country.

1) hailing; 2) flood; 3) stormy; 4) rainbow; 5) earthquake;

#2. The holiday was a great success, (…) only by the fact that our flight back was delayed.

1) helped; 2) succeeded; 3) spoilt; 4) hurt; 5) offended.

#3. Will you stop (…) about the weather? You’ll have to put up with it while you’re staying in this country.

1) praising; 2) complaining; 3) raising; 4) to complain; 5) to praise;

#4. On second thoughts, the headmaster realized that he had been (…) unfair in his criticism of the work done.

1) somewhat; 2) moreover»; 3) anywhere; 4) whatever; 5) however.

#5. We do not intend to discuss this matter any (…)

1) later; 2) farther; 3) further; 4) earlier; 5) former.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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