
Вставте слово за змістом.

#1. Animals should not be locked in cages, they should be in their normal (…).

1) environment; 2) home; 3) position; 4) residence; 5) prevention.

#2. My friend (…) that we should go skiing after lunch.

1) offered; 2) suggested; 3) put forward; 4) tabled; 5) voiced

#3. The company’s problems are (…) a mixture of bad luck and poor management.

1) from; 2) because; 3) due to; 4) owing; 5) expected.

#4. Let’s go to a different cinema. I am not very (…) on horror films.

1) interested; 2) keen; 3) enthusiastic; 4) impressed; 5) fond.

#5. The table was covered with a(…) of dust.

1) level; 2) layer; 3) limit; 5) lying; 5) least.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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