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#1. The father and son chose the (…) for a suit and had it made up by that fashionable tailor.

1) cloth; 2) clothes; 3) clothing; 4) dressing; 5) textiles

#2. When Stuart and Bob were kids they used to (…) a bedroom in their country cottage.

1) divide; 2) measure; 3) share; 4) split; 5) distribute.

#3. The chain Ruth wore was made of (…) gold, unmixed with other metals.

1) clean; 2) dishonest; 3) pure; 4) right; 5) clear.

#4. A combination of factors may be responsible (…) the increase in cancer.

1) of; 2) in; 3) for; 4) up; 5) off.

#5. To keep his promise Martin stopped (…) when he was 25.

1) stopped to smoke; 2) smoke; 3) smoking; 4) to enjoy smoking; 5) to give up smoking.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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