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#1. Не took a corner too fast, and lost (…) of the car.
1) capture; 2) control; 3) pressure; 4) rule; 5) power.
#2. The curator thought that the painting was valuable but the experts told him that it was (…).
1) priceless; 2) worth; 3) worthless; 4) invaluable; 5) worthy.
#3. If you make a mistake when you are writing, just (…) it (…) with your pen.
1) cross out; 2) clear up; 3) do away with; 3) wipe out; 5) clean better.
#4. Tommy takes an enormous delight (…) teasing his little brother.
1) on; 2) at; 3) in; 4) off; 5) from
#5. We’ve done everything we can. Now all we can do is to hope for the best and keep our (…) crossed.
1) arms; 2) hands; 3) fingers; 4) shoulders; 5) toes.
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