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#1. It wasn’t a good thing; (…) it was a huge mistake.

l)to contrast; 2) by opposition; 3) opposite; 4) on the contrary;

5) contradict.

#2. Walking on foot will give you much pleasure and make you healthy and strong! Go on (.. .)s in any season!

1) excursion; 2) trip; 3) hike; 4) voyage; 5) journey

#3. It is generally agreed that the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is (…).

1) worth; 2 worthless; 3) priceless; 4) worthy; 5) value.

#4. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution (…) Quantum Theory.

1) on; 2) to; 3) for; 4) in; 5) of.

#5.1 was (…) for words when they told me the latest news. 1) happy; 2) glad; 3) delighted; 4) at a loss; 5) confused.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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