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#1. The actors were very pleased that there was such a large (…) for the first night.

1) assembly; 2) audience; 3) congregation; 4) gathering; 5) meeting.

#2. The doctor told my sister that she would be well advised to (…) some weight.

1) leave; 2) light; 3) lose; 4) sell; 5) loose.

#3. Measures are being (…) to reduce crime in the city.

1) met; 2) made; 3) done; 4) taken; 5) faced.

#4. This sportsman was caught cheating in the race and using drugs. (…) he was disqualified.

1) Fundamentally; 2) Equally; 3) Accordingly; 4) According to; 5) Unequally

#5. What can be done (…) the rising levels of pollution?

1) above; 2) from; 3) of; 4) about; 5) as.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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