
Вставте слово за змістом.

#1. My neighbours went on a guided (…) of Rome and enjoyed it very much.

1) travel; 2) voyage; 3) trip; 4) tour; 5) flight.

#2. Apparently with her qualifications Nelly (…) over 10000 USD a year.

1) gains; 2) earns; 3) wins; 4) rewards; 5) dismisses.

#3. Please note that the next program is (…) for children.

1) unusual; 2) unsuitable; 3) unmistakable; 4) unreasonable 5) unlawful.

#4. We have (…) coffee but it won’t be enough for our guests, will it?

1) a little; 2) little; 3) any; 4) few; 5) no.

#5. He never went to university, (…) getting top marks at school.

1) although; 2) but; 3) in spite of; 4) despite for; 5) nevertheless.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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