
Вставте слово за змістом.

#1. Robert will play the piano at the party but he is a little out of (…).

1) tune; 2) practice; 3) practise; 4) use; 5) reach.

#2. Unemployment figures have (…) since the last election.

1) lifted; 2) rose; 3) risen; 4) raised; 5) flown.

#3. At last there you are: the (…) person I have been looking for.

1) correct; 2) very; 3) ever; 4) fully; 5) utter.

#1. Betty has a talent for all things I’m hopeless (…).

1) in; 2) at; 3) by; 4) with; 5) out.

#5. He (…) a lot of his business by email these days so he doesn’t have to visit his clients.

1) makes; 2) takes; 3) does; 4) looks; 5) produces.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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