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#1. The medicine that doctor gave him had an immediate (…). The patient felt better at once.

1) affect; 2) effect; 3) affective; 4) effective; 5) after effect.

#2. Will you (…) me to go to the party if I promise to be home by 12.00 p.m.?

1) make; 2) let; 3) allow; 4) permitting; 5) persuade.

#3.I refuse (…) anything that’s illegal.

1) considering; 2) to mix; 3) to take part in; 4) to concern; 5) connect.

#4. By far (…) of Saudi Arabia is oil.

l)it is the most important export; 2) the most important export is; 3) that is the most important export; 4) the most important export; 5) the most important export that is.

#5. I’m not at all put out by their decision. (…), I welcome it.

1) All the same; 2) On the contrary; 3) In contrast; 4) On the other hand; 5) In contrast to.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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