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#1. My friend’s encouragement and support gave me the (…) to carry on.

1) forth; 2) warmth; 3) strength; 4) purpose; 5) carelessness.

#2. The two parts of the bridge are (…) by very powerful machinery.

1) rise; 2) risen; 3) raised; 4) rouse; 5) aroused.

#3. Are you (…) enough to lift this suitcase?

1) large; 2) great; 3) powerful; 4) strong; 5) muscular.

#4. (…) you could visit another planet, say Mars or Venus, would you go?

1) Offer; 2) Suppose; 3) Whether; 4) Whenever; 5) Although.

#5. Catherine’s parents now (…) of her marriage.

1) dislike; 2) disagree; 3) approve; 4) prevent; 5) proposing.

28.05.2009 Розділ 07 Комментарии отключены admin

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