
Знайдіть усі можливі помилки у підкреслених фрагментах речень і запишіть цифри у порядку зростання. Цифра (5) означає, що помилок немає.

#1. (……) It (I) was hers (2) which (3) represented her country in the United Nations (4) and later became ambassador to the United States. No error (5).

#2. (……) Historically (1) there has (2) been only (3) two major tendencies in the (4) Republican Party, the liberals and the conservatives. No error (5).

#3. (……) The Chinese (1) were first (2) and large (3) ethnic group to work on (4) the construction of the transcontinental railroad system. No error (5).

#4. (……)The president, with (l)his wife and daughter, are returning (2) from (3) a brief vacation at Sun Valley in order to (4) attend a press conference this afternoon. No error (5).

#5. (……)Even (l) a professional specialist in psychology may have (2) difficulty talking calm (3) and logically about his owns (4) problems. No error (5).

28.05.2009 Розділ 06 Комментарии отключены admin

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