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#1. The Pyramids are perhaps the most famous of the seven (…) of the ancient world.

1) structures; 2) spectacles; 3) wonders; 4) constructions; 5) buildings.

#2. Monica’s (…) well at work and should get a promotion soon.

1) going; 2) doing; 3) making; 4) getting; 5) fulfilling.

#3. For someone who is in such a responsible position, he is surprisingly lacking in (…).

1) sensibility; 2) common sense; 3) sentiment; 4) sensation; 5) sensitivity.

#4. Tom’s spontaneous reaction to the news took me (…) surprise.

1) off; 2) for; 3) by; 4) in; 5) with.

#5. There’s no point in burying our heads in the (…), is there?

1) ground; 2) sand; 3) snow; 4) earth; 5) grain.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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