
Знайдіть усі можливі помилки у підкреслених фрагментах речень і запишіть цифри у порядку зростання. Цифра (5) означає, що помилок немає.

#1. (……) Retired people (1) usually have more lower (2) incomes that 3) working people. It is difficult for them to live on (4) their pension. No error (5).

#2. (……) After the sun (1) has rose (2) high the birds begin singing. In such a (3) wonderful weather all people head for (4) the wood or the river beach. No error (5).

#3. (……) We all (1) have our (2) own likes and dislikes when it come (3) to food (4). No error (5).

#4(……) Clara Barton, who (I) was very devoted with (2) nursing for most (3) of her life, founded (4) the American Red Cross. No error (5).

#5. (……) Sociologists are trying (l)to predict the quality of life (2) in urban areas in the next millennium (3) if the present trend will continue (4). No error

28.05.2009 Розділ 06 Комментарии отключены admin

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