
Виберіть правильну відповідь.

#1. They all passed (…) is considered an extremely difficult exam.

1) that; 2) this; 3) which; 4) what; 5) these.

#2. I am sure there’s only one person who can (…)with this problem at present.

1) handle; 2) solve; 3) deal; 4) tackle; 5) settle.

#3. Sue’s become a lot more (…)and no longer needs everything to be done for her.

1) free; 2) single; 3) independent; 4) by herself; 5) on her own.

#4. (…) the finish line first, the runner gave up his hopes of winning the race.

1) Having failed reach; 2) Having failed to reach; 3) He failed to reach; 4) That he failed to reach; 5) So as to fail to reach.

#5. How can I(…) repay you for what you’ve done?

1) never; 2) anytime; 3) sometime; 4) ever; 5) occasionally.

28.05.2009 Розділ 11 Комментарии отключены admin

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