
Знайдіть усі можливі помилки у підкреслених фрагментах речень і запишіть цифри у порядку зростання. Цифра (5) означає, що помилок немає.

#1. (……) It’s (1) just like (2) her to run away out (3) her (4) responsibilities! No error (5).

#2. (……) There’s (1) a pity that Jane refuses to help you. It is in need (2) that (3) you see a really (4) friend. No error (5).

#3. (……) I saw her twice through (1) the summer holidays. I never expected to actually meet such (2) a great actress, but when we arrived at (3) the party she was there as large as life (4). No error (5).

#4. (……) The (l) two parts of the bridge are risen (2) by very powerful machinery (3) and the ships can go up and down (4) the river. No error (5).

#5. (……) It is often said (1) that everything come (2) to him (3) who waits patiently (4). No error (5).

28.05.2009 Розділ 06 Комментарии отключены admin

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